All posts by Mrs Harrison-Zdunczyk

Week Beginning 25th April

It has been a lovely week in 7.27

We had our whole school assembly which discussed the school value of ‘Trust’. How wonderful it was to see the street full with all of the Mearns Primary Pupils.

This week we have done a lot of work on our Mearns Masters Campaigners pathway and are beginning to think about our showcase. Below are some screenshots from our informational website where each group has an area of expertise.

On World Earth Day we tuned in to a live Giglets reading of a book about deforestation and respecting the forest. We did some oral storytelling and then in the afternoon we engaged in an experiment where we explored rising sea levels and melting ice caps. We then created graphs using our data.


Surveys for Mearns Masters

7.27 have created surveys to find out more information about people’s first aid knowledge as part of Mearns Masters. It would really help us if you could take some time to fill a few of them in by clicking on the links below.

First week of February

7.27 have started their next block of Mearns Masters. The focus will be on First Aid skills and how we can improve the knowledge of these in our school and local community. We first debated whether first aid skills should be taught in all schools and why First Aid skills are important. There were lots of excellent and thoughtful arguments. It was challenging as we had to think on our feet.

We then used the i-Pads to share our views on the type of activities we could do throughout our learning journey and what platforms we could use to spread our message. You can find our Padlet here.


Class Debate

This week we did a debate with 7.28. We got into groups and researched facts about our motions. The motions were ,

This house believes that the death penalty should be banned.

This house believes that eating animals is immoral. –

This house believes that ONLY electric cars should be legal. –

This house believes that Zoos should be banned. –

This house believes that vaccinations should be mandatory.

This house believes that mobile phones/internet devices should be banned for children under the age of 18  The end result was a tie!

Over all we all a great time and learned more about debating styles from the other class.

By Sophia and Sam

Week beginning 8th November

7.27 were studying about native wildlife and friendly plants, renewable energy and wildlife and humans. The picture above is wildlife and humans.


We have made poppy wreaths to symbolise Mearns Primary  thinking about people on remembrance day. We had a two minutes silence at 11 o’clock to think about people that have died in conflicts around the world.

We copied out the poem “Flanders Fields” and ripped around the edges to give it a rustic look. We then painted some poppies to symbolise Remembrance Day.

After copying out Flanders Fields, we created our own remembrance poems and some were read out to the class after the two minutes silence.

Week beginning November 1st

Wednesday 3rd November

We made wind turbines using 1 kitchen roll, cocktail stick, card and blue tack as you can see by the picture above. We used a fan for wind against the turbines so the blades would turn.

Tuesday 3rd November  &   Wednesday 4th November

We also made scribble trees with on a live COP 26 video Ciara a pupil from 7.27 says “I really enjoyed it. It was fun to paint them.”

another girl from 7.27 ,Jenny says making the trees and painting them was really fun and I really enjoyed it

Thursday 4th November

On Thursday we made gifs with our amazing ICT teacher Mr McKenna on Brush Ninja about climate change and COP 26 Ismail a boy from our class says that he loved making his gif.

Friday 5th November

Today we did some maths on problem solving and probability. We did a integrated afternoon, some painted their tree and the others did some more reading on our class novel, Letters from the lighthouse. We did some questions on our novel too.