Home Learning Activities in P5.16

Primary 5.16 have been busy adapting to home learning over the past few weeks and they have taken this change in their stride.

Pupils are continuing to complete work at their own pace and all have managed to log in to Glow and complete some of the work set which in itself is a fantastic achievement! Pupils and their families have worked hard to find a routine that they are comfortable with and many have quickly overcome technical challenges to be able to do this. A huge thank you to everyone out there who has helped P5.16 in the past few weeks!!!

Now to share some (certainly not all) of the wonderful work that has been created over the weeks!

Follow the link to see some of their wonderful work completed before the Easter holidays.


After the holiday, pupils have been busy creating their own personal project which will be completed in the week to follow.

Alongside this, they have demonstrated their wonderful writing abilities and tested their skills with technology to create impressive recounts and imaginative stories. The below pictures encaptures some of their excellent work!

To demonstrate their film making skills, they have also created their own short movies. Most of which are unfortunately too large to upload. These videos included some imaginative storytelling with family engagement and others carefully illustrated many of their wonderful talents!

This week, the pupils asked to complete another filming task and they have been creating their own PE films to challenge each other to stay active! We’ve had running, hula hoop, ball throwing and headstand challenges so far…

Hope you all enjoy your well deserved weekends!

Stay happy and healthy!


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