Monthly Archives: September 2021

Wednesday (Maths week)

On Wednesday 7.27 completed their outdoor adventure by going to several different locations and looking at their map and then counting the trees around them. 7.27 counted an amazing amount of trees on our school grounds. We start trying to calculate how many trees there was and  how much Carbon Dioxide it they could capture.

here are some images/photographs :

P.E and Writing

For PE we have been working so hard. We all have been doing workouts it has been really hard.  We  first did a starter which we had to get into a group and make a PE  workout. We created 16 counts of exercise which we demonstrated to the class. Then we had to do some activities in a pair the first person had to run, jog, walk and skip around the pitch. Then the other person had to do some mini workouts for 45 seconds at 10 stations. After that we were all so tired.

For our class novel we have been reading Letters from the Lighthouse.  It is based on ww2 in London. We have only read up to chapter 2, it is really interesting. It is such a good book. I think our whole class is enjoying this book.


By Lucy and Andrew


This week half the class went and did some cooking in the kitchen. When they were there they cooked delicious tomato pasta. Then once they had done that they plated it up in a fine dining style. Here are a few photos.



On Tuesday the chairs went on strike so we had to sit on our desks, which was fun. Then we had to write them a persuasive letter to convince them to come back. They did eventually come back. Here are a few photos of us sitting on our desks thinking about the reasons why they left.



Adam & James