Monthly Archives: September 2020

Outdoor shape exploring

What a fabulous morning we enjoyed learning all about the properties of quadrilaterals. We discussed similarities and differences between each of the shapes and used a variety of materials to create and change shapes around as we investigated the importance of side length and angles.

Miss Hunter came out to visit us and she was really impressed with what we had learned.


First Day of Maths Week

Day one of maths week and P5.16 have been outdoor for most of the day learning about Quadrilaterals with Mrs Kelly.

This afternoon P5.16 adapted some of their favourite games KO and Chaos tig to incorporate an element of maths into their games.

Pupil’s have also found out their mathematician who they are going to learn about this week is Mary Jackson. They have come up with lots of key questions that they hope to learn throughout the week.

We’re going to be busy throughout the week!

Class Representatives

Many pupils in the class put themselves forward to represent the class as part of the Pupil Council or the Eco committee group.

Pupils had clearly thought hard about qualities that are important for each of their roles and the class had a secret ballot to vote for the best candidates for each position.

We were all very impressed at the standard of oral presentations from everyone, well done all! Our winners will be announced by management hopefully in the near future!!

Orienteering games

Learning new skills in reading maps and working on courses marked out with markers, we all enjoyed playing a variety of orienteering games this morning. We also learned how important it is to identify north on a map and hold our maps the correct way round while we were working.

Everyone particularly enjoyed the clock game where we had to uncover and record different nouns against each number on the clock….then we set challenges to put them in alphabetical order and find appropriate adjectives to describe the nouns.

Outdoor learning

What a brilliant afternoon we had learning about maps.

Here are our birds eye view maps of the school grounds. We thought carefully about using natural materials and creating maps to scale. Great team work meant that we did all this and still had time to play a few games and explore the