Musical investigations outdoors

Today was a bit drizzly, but it didn’t dampen our enthusiasm as we played some word building warm up games using vowels and consonants written on stones.

After that we explored music, learning about rhythm using a variety of outdoor materials to play groups of rhythms together. We learned to keep the beat with our feet, we called this the heartbeat. Then we fitted rhythms into these beats. Today we learned “ta”  and “te te”.

Place value challenges

The wet weather today meant plans had to be changed and we took part in different activities and challenges to develop our understanding of place value.

We used number stones and rainbow sticks and worked together in teams to create lots of different numbers.

With the rainbow sticks we counted how many of each colour we had then decided which should be hundreds tens and units to make the largest and smallest numbers possible.

And with the number stones we moved them around to see just how many numbers we could make out of the stones we had gathered. Our team work was fantastic today and we really worked together well to help us all understand place value a little better.



Colour searching, matching and analysing

What a super morning we spent searching the ECO garden and the side of the school for as many colours as we could find!

We used some old supermarket magazines to do some colour matching and were amazed at just how many different colours we could match. It became quite a competition to see who could match the highest number of colours on their page!

After playtime we went back outside and studied some of the flowers very carefully. We created our own daisies, using only daisies to paint!


Creating mini beasts

After analysing mini beasts last week and seeing how they are made up of different segments, with legs and antennae, we created our own today!

We spent time looking at some of the plants growing at the back of the pitch and decided we could pick a very small amount of them without destroying the area. After that we worked in pairs to create some mini beasts on our display board.

After playtime we each created our own mini beast by gluing natural materials on to a piece of black paper. I am sure you will agree they look fabulous! Once we were happy with our own mini beasts, we could explore and create another one on the grass. What a busy day!!!


Predicting, Exploring, investigating and analysing

What an interesting morning we spent outdoors today.

We started off by doing a little research indoors on millipedes and centipedes before heading outside and predicting the minibeasts we might find.

After that we explored the area we were working in to find where the minibeasts might be.

Once we knew where to look, in pairs we collected a mini-beast in our boxes and, using the magnifying glasses on the boxes, we analysed them and how they moved.

Our most amazing find today was this little amphibian we managed to catch as he* hopped across the grass. His heart was beating very fast so we reckon he was quite scared, that’s why we let him go again after a minute or so in captivity. (*Mrs Kelly checked it out and he is most likely a male, as the little circle bit covering his ear, just behind his eye, is bigger than the size of his eye, which in most frog species indicates it’s a male)

Finally we recorded our findings by drawing a diagram and labelling it.

Lots of tens outdoors

Today we travelled outside counting up in tens. We learned and remembered that when we add or subtract ten from any number that the unit digit doesn’t change. This really helped us become more confident in counting up and down in tens.

We then moved on to placing numbers within 100 on to a giant number line. Before rounding these numbers to the nearest ten.

Finally we had lots of fun sorting out the numbers and playing some rounding games together.

Outdoor time

What a glorious day to spend outside for outdoor learning today! The sun didn’t stop shining and helped make our learning even more fun!

We started off with some warm up games to make sure we know which way is left and which way is right.

After that we organised ourselves into time order then stood at the correct positions round our giant clock.

Once we had made numbers for our clock we learned about how the big hand goes round the clock one whole turn every hour while the little hand only moves round one next mover each hour.


We then played a hunting game to match digital times with the analogue time on our giant clock.

Finally we tried to make some shadow numbers with our bodies to go round our clock… was much trickier than it sounds!

Outdoor symmetry

Today we enjoyed being outside spotting symmetry in nature and also on ourselves! We were really good a5 spotting shapes that weren’t symmetrical too!

We then went on to work in pairs to create our own symmetrical patterns. We took time to check and double check we had all the parts facing the right way and placed in exactly the right positions. It was great fun and we really enjoyed looking at all the patterns we had made too.


Friends of ten

What a productive morning we had today on this lovely cold and bright spring day.

Firstly we went on a triangle hunt then made triangles with our bodies before organising ourselves into the shape of a triangle.


Next we played some games to practise the mental maths strategy – friends of ten.

And finally we made some ten rockets…look at all the calculations we made!

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