Today’s date is Tuesday 22nd February 2022 or 22/02/2022.
When the date is written in number form it is both a palindrome and an ambigram.
That means it reads the same way from left to right, from right to left AND upside down!
In class we have set ourselves some ‘Twosday Challenges’.
1. We are all going to complete 22 laps of the pitch this week during our Daily Mile.
2. We were silent in class today for 22 minutes and 22 second! (Yes we really were! 👏🏻👏🏻) We kept ourselves busy doing some ‘Twosday’ Mindfulness colouring.
3. We found many different ways to make the number 22 using add, subtract, multiply and divide.
What a busy Twosday we have had! 🤩