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  • Week ending 25th January

    During tennis lesson’s this week we continued working on ‘keepy uppy’s’ aiming to get up to 20 in a row.  We know to keep our racket low and facing the direction of we want the ball to go. We are working on our hand to eye co-ordination and controlling the movement on the ball using the racket.

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  • Week Ending 14th Feb

    P5a became experts and calculating the perimeter of a 2D shape, the area of a square or rectangle and the volume of a cube or cuboid this week!  Ask us at home about Perry and what he does to find out more about calculating the perimeter of a shape! On Tuesday we wrote our explanation texts.  Everyone produced wonderful pieces of writing independently using the perfect plan from the previous lesson!  Mrs Sutherland is very proud and learned alot about a variety of animals when reading the explanation texts. In Health and Wellbeing, we started learning about the word Dignity.  …

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  • Week Ending 21/2/25

    Well done boys and girls on taking part in a wonderful ceilidh!! I am so proud of all your hard work learning the dances and practising them at playtime!!   Seeing you enjoy yourself and getting to join in with you was a real treat!! Have an excellent weekend! Photos to follow on Google Classroom!

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  • Show and Tell Reward

    P5 have been working hard since we returned to school and as a reward for all their hard work they enjoyed Show and Tell before the February holidays. Thank you to the boys and girls who spoke so confidently and thank you to the audience for sitting wonderfully, asking such interesting questions and being respectful when looking at the items. Well done everybody!  

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  • Week Ending 7th February

    What a busy week we have had this week! On Monday we were working on our aim and our forearm and our backhand shots in tennis. We planned our next explanation by watching videos and making notes in our writing jotters. We will be writing our draft explanation on Tuesday. We had a visit from PC Lorraine, she is the Campus Cop for the schools in Barrhead. She told us the importance of keeping ourself safe and that the police are able to help us if we need it. We have been working on our history topic by learning about …

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  • Nursery Newsletter 21.02.25

    Hello everyone, Upcoming Events Please have a look at the parent calendar, available on our Netherlee Website, to see all the dates and times of the various events coming up.  This link will take you straight there ‘For the Love of Reading’ Open Library Thursday 6th March 2025 As part of the celebrations for

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Featured Images information

We have just added some information and instructions about Featured Images, These are a rather neglected ‘feature’ on Glow Blogs. They are really useful for making your posts stand out on both your own site and when you share them. There are especially useful if you share posts and can enhance your own site by […]

Additional CSS Issue

In the most recent update to Glow blogs we updated the version of Jetpack that we use. Jetpack no longer supports Additional CSS. This is no longer available from the customiser or in the Styles of the Site Editor. CSS already added to sites continues to function. Native WordPress support Additional CSS but not in […]

Jet Pack Settings Issue

Some sites with the Jetpack plugin enabled do not have a link in the Dashboard Sidebar. Our developers are aware of the problem and are working on a fix. Workaround The Jetpack settings can be accessed from the Plugins screen: Clicking on the Settings link under the Jetpack listing will take you to the Jetpack […]

Glow Blogs October 2024 Update

Glow Blogs has just had a fairly large update. Glow Blogs is now using wordPress 6.6.2. This bring quite a lot of new features, especially to the Block & Site Editor. Quite a few plugins have been updated too.

H5P Issue Some content types cannot be installed

An issue with H5P content types has arisen. If you try to install some content types you will get an error. The problem seems to be because the H5P API has been updated but the version used by theWordPress plugin does not now match it.