
The PSE course in the Broad General Education (S1-S3) covers the key areas of Planning for Choices and Change, Substance Misuse, Relationships and Health. These come from the Education Scotland Benchmarks for Personal and Social Education and the Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes for Health and Wellbeing.


S2 PSE Course Outline

Unit 1 – How Well Can You Look after Yourself?

This unit challenges pupils to consider risky situations and how to behave safely. This unit looks at dealing with aggressive behaviour and use of mobile phones in public.

Unit 2 – On the Edge

A mental health package which looks at dealing with difficult feelings, understanding the term “self-harm” and how to get support, both inside and outside school, for mental health issues.

Unit 3 – Substance Misuse

The focus in S2 is alcohol and cannabis.

Unit 4 – Bridging the Transition from BGE to the Senior Phase

This unit prepares pupils for the changes to their curriculum in S3. Starting with some reflection on their skills and strengths, looking at qualities and attitudes, pupils then research careers using PlanItPlus and My World of Work.

Unit 5 – Youth Philanthropy initiative

An active citizenship programme to raise awareness amongst pupils about philanthropy and the local community. Pupils have the opportunity to win £3000 for a charity of their choice from the local area.


Unit 6 – Love Thy Neighbour

The final unit of S2 examines our relationships within our community, showing tolerance and challenging stereotypes. We examine behaviours and consequences and discuss our community values.