Category Archives: Literacy in action this week

Literacy and Media

S3 and S4 media students had the opportunity to develop their media literacy skills last week when they attended a screening of sci-fi drama ‘Arrival’ at the Odeon Quay cinema as part of the Into Film Festival.

S4 students were also working on developing their speaking skills in media last week. Taking on the role of director, they delivered persuasive presentations about how their films met the needs of their target audiences and demonstrated their knowledge of different aspects of film language.


Paired Reading

The Paired Reading programme began this week, with 30 of Boclair’s S6 pupils mentoring their S1 and S2 literacy buddies to help develop reading skills. S2 pupil Emma Forey and her S6 mentor Jo-Anne Alexander have been reading the novel Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo this week. Emma had this to say about the book: “It’s different from other books I have read because it’s set during the First World War. I’ve just started it, but I’m enjoying it so far and looking forward to finding out what happens to the characters.