All posts by Tracie

Willow room 2-3 year old 5-9th June 2023

We have continued to care for our plants and flowers and this week we were so excited to see that some of our strawberries were ripe enough to pick. We picked them off, took them inside, washed them and tasted them. They were delicious! 🍓💦😋

With the weather being so hot outdoors, we had the opportunity to explore with ice. We held the ice and watched it melt in our warms hands. We added sea creatures and paint brushes to explore the ice further! 🥵 🧊 🐳 🖌️

We have been exploring outdoors in a variety of play experiences. We have enjoyed creating in the sand, exploring in the water tray and getting on board the bus palette to travel to the beach for ice cream! 💦 🚌🏖️ 🍦

Willow room 13-17th February 2023

This week in the willow room we have been little book worms, exploring a variety of books and stories. We are developing an understanding of how to look after them and tidy them away when we are finished looking through them! 📚🪱

We have also been practicing hanging up our jackets on our pegs, it is a little challenging but with lots of practice I’m sure we will nail it! 🧥 👍🏻
 As we have had a good couple of dry days this week, we have been able to go outdoors and explore in the garden especially in the sand and on the bikes! ⛅️☁️🚴🏻‍♀️ 🪣 🏝

We have also been very creative this week. We have explored with paints, making marks and images on to cling film!
we are also developing our fine motor skills through drawings, creating our own pictures for our gallery in the playroom!  🧑🏻‍🎨 🎨 ✏️ 🖍

 We have been taking part in action songs and rhymes.

Exploring outside, taking part in role play scenarios, taking risks on apparatus and enjoying physical play.

 We have been exploring with real vegetables, pots and wooden knives, developing out fine motor skills to cut and prepare food.

We enjoyed stories at group time, developing our listening and concentration skills.

We also used small tools to spoon and fill trays with dry porridge, developing fine motor skills and co-operative skills with our peers.