
Who Are We?

Our communication champion for the year 2024/2025 is Catherine Gordon, Catherine has been a communication champion for a number of years and brings a lot of experience to this role.  communication.



So What is the role of a communication champion?

  • We can support the children with their attention and listening and provide  guidance for speech and language, usually through small targeted support groups alongside our Equity and Excellence lead. We are not trained speech therapists but can certainly guide you to the S.A.L.T team if you need further assistance and will provide contact details for you to contact them yourselves if preferred.

S.A.L.T Information

Communication Board

Our communication board has been moved to the front of the building so you don’t miss out on getting access to it. This has lots of useful information, our monthly top tip and our rhyme of the month. Please look at this to see any updated information. 👀😊

















Above is the speech and language team contact details (another copy can be found on our communication board). The team are very supportive and can help with any advice around your child’s speech.

Communication Board

Our communication board has been moved to the front of the building so you don’t miss out on getting access to it. This has lots of useful information and our rhyme of the month.












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