Snapshot Learning Week 29th April 2024-3rd May 2024

Monday 29th April 2024

We got our week off to a great start by learning some tennis skills. The skills we were focussing on this week were sending and receiving the ball as well as aiming at a target. We have some budding tennis players in P3/4. Look out Wimbledon!

Later in the day it was time for numeracy and P3/4 were busy, as always, using the manipulatives to solve division calculations as well as making equal groups to help them grasp the concept of multiplication.

Tuesday 30th April 2024

A Tuesday morning is our main writing block. This week we have been learning how to create and use paragraphs in our writing. Some pupils wrote their paragraphs onto paper whilst others chose to word process their work. A great effort by everyone!

Later in the day it was time for them to consolidate their knowledge of multiplication and division by using the manipulatives to solve calculations.

Wednesday 1st May 2024

Primary 3/4 were so excited to welcome our visitors into class and to share what they have been learning. We had a busy afternoon of literacy, numeracy, technology and interdisciplinary learning. Thank you to everyone who came along. We enjoyed having you!


Our Visitors

Busy Builders

Sharing the learning.

Thursday 2nd May 2024

We started off our day by continuing to learn about multiplication and division. Today we were working on division by grouping and division with remainders. Using Numicon helped us to see how many groups made up the whole number.

We are really enjoying our new IDL topic-‘Ancient Greece’.

We have learning about Ancient Greek Temples, Greek Gods and Goddesses and we have designed Greek vases! This afternoon we were busy developing Digital Learning skills to research facts and select information about different foods.

Friday 3rd May 2024

Anyone for Tennis?

P3/4 started the day with PE and another session of Tennis.  We have been developing our hand-eye coordination.  We were discussing resilience and the importance of working together.  Excellent work P3/4!

Food Tasting Session

As part of our IDL topic we have been exploring Greek foods.  We had a small sample of  foods to see, touch and taste.  We had to describe the texture, size and shape of olives, dates, feta cheese, roasted tomatoes and salted broad beans.

Then we had the option of tasting the snacks. Delicious!

A great way to end a very busy week in Primary 3/4!

Read about Assembly Here