Snapshot Week


We have been working so hard across Numeracy this week! We have been looking at Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. Some of us had fun converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers, while others were comparing and ordering Fractions. We’ve been enjoying using our Fraction Walls to help finding equivalent Fractions.


We have been enjoying reading more of our class novel: Weslandia. It is a story of a boy who is an “outcast” and who comes up with an idea to create his own civilisation. We have been enjoying predicting what will happen next.

In Writing, we are continuing writing Discussion pieces, and have started to write a Discussion on whether Social Media helps bring people together. We planned our writing and will continue to work on it next week!


We have been continuing discussing Substance Misuse and have been focusing on the effects of vaping this week. We learned some surprising facts about vaping and realised just how harmful it can be! We have been enjoying sharing our own ideas and opinions with each other.

In P.E we have been focusing on Tennis Skills and Rounders Skills. We are continuing to develop our batting skills, and have founding doing both topics at the same time helpful to continue developing both skills.

IDL: This term we wanted to focus on STEM, and have been learning about Contact and Non-Contact forces. Last week we looked at Magnetism, while this week we enjoyed experimenting with air-resistance! We put our new “egg friends” to the test, and observed the impact many variables has on air resistance. We really enjoyed working as a team!



This week we were so lucky with all our visitors. PC Dempster came to visit us first and took the time to explain her job to our class. We were all very interested to know more about her job. Some of us will continue to see her next year in St. Joseph’s Academy where she is currently based.

Then we were delighted to welcome parents and carers to our class to share our learning. We had plenty of fun stations set up related to the work we have been doing this term! Thank you to all who came and visited us 🙂

Every week, Paul Brunton comes to visit our school and works closely with a number of our students. They were only delighted to share what they have been doing this week!

Read about Assembly Here

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