Weekly Round-up

This week we were learning about persuasive language, and discussed how advertisements are used to persuade people to buy different types of products. We then designed and created our own products, and created an advertisement for our product.

This morning we arrived to a crime scene within our class. Our job was to solve the mystery. Everyone took their role very seriously. We gathered evidence, analysed the handwriting of different staff within the school, looked at the treads of their shoes and took their fingerprints. All of the detectives then used this information to identify the main suspects.

Then we created interview questions for the main suspects before bringing them in individually for questioning. After a thorough investigation we were able to present all of our evidence and charge the main suspect and their accomplice.

Can you guess who was responsible?

Weekly Update

On Monday we had assembly and in the afternoon we went outside to do some of our Sports Championship activities.

On Tuesday we read some more of our book and completed a few activities based on it. In maths we were learning more about percentages. In the afternoon we had PE and we had a full class football game.

On Wednesday it was crazy hair day. We had Reach Circles in the morning, and then we listened to some Big Talks. In the afternoon we had our John Muir Family Fun afternoon where everyone got awarded their John Muir certificate.

On Thursday the P6 pupils had a numeracy morning with their buddies and P7 were talking about the academy and they completed a lesson that the Technical staff from RBA sent over. In the afternoon we started our Chess Championship for all P4-7s.

Today we listened to some more talks, we read some more of our book and completed some questions based on the text. Then we were learning about algebra at numeracy time.

Weekly Update

On Monday we had assembly, and did some maths. In the afternoon we went outside to time our runs for sports day and sports championships. The football team left early to go to Kilwinning for their game with the score being 7-1 to Catrine.

On Tuesday we had literacy and we completed our SNSA test for writing. In Numeracy we were learning about percentages. In the afternoon most of the P6 pupils went to the Nursery to get their buddy and walk them up to the school. The P7 however went to help in the younger classes.

On Wednesday we had Home Circles, then we had Mrs cook and did some problem solving. In the afternoon we had Mrs Ferguson and did PE and some ICT. The P6 were also at Danger Detectives with Mrs Campbell.

On Thursday we read some more of our book and did some maths stations. In the afternoon we learned about the suffragettes and how females were not allowed to vote.

Today some of the P7’s went to the RBA with Mrs Schendel and the rest of the class walked to Sorn and went to the part to have our snack before we walked back to school just in time for lunch.

Typed by Zac And helped by Ryan 🙂

Weekly Update

On Tuesday we read a bit more of our book. Then we completed our Numeracy SNSA and we were continuing to learn some more about percentages. In the afternoon we were out for a walk.

On Wednesday we were at Reach and after Reach we did some numeracy. In the afternoon we had P.E and ICT.

On Thursday we were writing persuasive letters to persuade Mrs Govans for a Yes Day. In the afternoon we were learning more about our brains and then we were outside playing with the loose parts and the football.

Today we had Fun 31 in the morning and we also planned a trip to Paris for the Olympics. This afternoon we did some active art and made people playing sports.

Typed by


Big Talk Homework

Class Talk

Title:  If I Could Rule the World

You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5-minute talk, linked to our literacy focus this term of using persuasive language.

If you were to rule the world, what changes would you make?

Use the OREO method to help you create your presentation.

The presentation should be as detailed as possible and could include:

  • A title slide
  • Some information about you and why you would make a good world leader
  • What changes would you make?
  • Give examples to support your ideas
  • Do you have any evidence to back up your suggestions?
  • Persuasive vocabulary –
          • I’m sure you would agree
          • I strongly believe
          • It is obvious that
          • It is my opinion that
          • It is easy to see why
  • A conclusion slide that summarises your key points and offers an opportunity for others to ask questions

You can use the internet or books to find out facts to back up your ideas. You could also use other ideas to enhance your talk e.g. PowerPoint (saved pen drive), drawings, diagrams or items from home.

You can make your changes as serious or as fun as you like.

For example:

If I were to rule the world I would make sure that everyone had a safe space and house to live in, as according to Shelter Scotland a household becomes homeless in Scotland every 16 minutes. I’m sure you would agree that this is unacceptable figure and everyone has the right to somewhere safe to sleep at night. Therefore, I would build more houses and have more clothes, food and resources available to people.

It is my opinion that I would make a good world leader because I would make every weekend a long weekend. Fridays would no longer be a school day. It is easy to see why this would be a fantastic change because people would be happier as they would have more time to spend with their friends and family. They would also have more time to go and explore different places and spend more time outdoors. This is good for your health and wellbeing and can improve sleep.

You should practise your talk at home as often as possible and use a timer to help. You may want to use notes or prompt cards to help you stay on track.

Here is a link you can use to find some useful information that may support your presentation: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z3b86sg/articles/z7rkcmn

Primary 7 pupils have been given the option to choose between, If I Could Rule the World or My Primary School Memories for their talk.

Title: My Primary School Memories

You have been given a project to prepare and present a short 5 minute talk about your primary school memories. The presentation should be as detailed as possible and could include information about

  • The different teachers you’ve had
  • Best school trip
  • Funniest memories
  • Favourite topics
  • Best school lunch
  • Achievements

Favourite subject

Pupils have had time in class to do some research for these topics. However, pupils should complete this homework task at home.

Talks should be ready to be presented for the week beginning Monday 20th May.

Weekly Round Up

On Monday we had assembly then the P7s completed their SNSA and the P6s completed their buddy books. We also had Mrs Govans  for the afternoon and we did our art work for the Catrine Show.

On Tuesday we started learning about percentages, we started a new book study called, “Charlie And The Chocolate Factory” By Roald Dahl. In the afternoon we went to PE then we were doing gymnastics and using the spring board to jump onto the horse then roll across the top, followed by a jump off.

On Wednesday we had Home Circles in the morning, in the afternoon we played rounders outside with Miss Burleigh & Mrs Govans after that we had ICT and we were learning about the Olympics.

On Thursday we were learning about persuasive writing and the different times we use it in our lives. In the afternoon we were learning about the Scottish Government and how they make new laws. We were also learning about the brain and then we went out for a quick game of rounders with Miss Burleigh.

Today we read the first few chapters of our book. We were testing our reaction times in science. We were learning French this afternoon and we were listening to some videos that the RBA staff had sent us.

Written by

Layla and Emelia