Weekly Round-up

We’ve had another busy week this week.

This week we have been continuing to learn about time. We have been calculating how long a journey might take by using the start and finishing times. We have also been using our knowledge to work out when we would arrive at different destinations based on our setting off time and journey time.

In Literacy we finished reading our novel Divided City  and we were able to see if our predictions were correct. We completed a Book Review, detailing the main themes, characters and best parts of the story. We also wrote our Crazy Creatures story after planning it last week.

This week we were looking at the Scottish and UK Parliaments and the powers that each of them hold.

We went to the park for our PE session this week and we had a class game of football, focussing on our passing and teamwork skills.

We were also learning about our brain and how this controls our emotions and reactions, and we identified different ways we can help to regulate our emotions.

With the Olympics due to take place in Paris, we researched the Olympic Games. We also learned how to say the names of some of the countries participating in French.

Weekly round up

On Monday we did a spelling test and read some more of our book in the afternoon we learned about democracy and talked about the Scottish Parliament.

On Tuesday we went to the park with the p1s. We enjoyed spending time with our buddies and helping them on their walk.

On Wednesday we had Reach Groups.  In class we were learning about time. We were learning the difference between 12 and 24 hour clocks. In the afternoon we had PE and we got to use the gymnastic equipment. In ICT we created our weekly class timetable using a table on word.

We planned a crazy creature in our writing. In maths we were calculating how long it would take us to travel to different places depending on the transport we used. We learned a bit more about democracy and how people get to vote for different party leaders. Then we did a bit of science and were learning about the brain.

Today we were learning to convert time from 24 hour into 12 hour time. This afternoon we started to create our own musical instruments.

Typed by

Declan and Emelia