Weekly Round-Up

This week on Monday Morning we had Mrs  Campbell. We did literacy after break, we wrote letters for the engineering competition. After lunch we went a walk and we went to the black horse and skimmed some stones.

On Tuesday we had Mrs Campbell we did some maths in the morning after break we did some literacy after lunch we did some activities and then we did P:E.

On Wednesday we had Reach circles in the morning. After break we had Mrs cook until lunch and we did some math work. After lunch we had P:E and then we had ICT for the last bit of the day.

On Thursday we had Miss Burleigh and we did some maths in the morning and after break we went to ICT and we wrote about a class pet or a holiday. After lunch we did some science and we are were learning about magnetic forces. We also did a STEM challenge, where we had to work in groups to build a bridge that could hold at least 5 dictionaries, focussing on our communication and team working skills.

On Friday we did some fractions work in maths and after break  we did some literacy. After lunch we did some French and we were learning different animals in French. We finished off our day going to Fun 31.

Typed By Marley

Weekly Update

On Monday we went on a walk to the Voes and then to the park. We read some of our book study Divided City. We also got new spelling words.

In numeracy we were learning about fractions and improper fractions. Today we played a new maths game on the computers and we were focussing on improving our accuracy.

Mr McGurn came to visit P7s and was telling us about the uniform at RBA, the guidance teachers and the different houses.

Mrs Ferguson took us for music and we were playing the Boom Whackers along to Shake it Off.

Yesterday afternoon we were learning about the different continents and we were identifying the difference between human and physical features.

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Weekly update

On Monday we had assembly and in the afternoon the P7s went out a walk  and the P6 pupils  went to see their buddies.

In maths we were learning how to simplify fractions.

In literacy we got new spelling words.

Yesterday it was World Book Day  and we did a Kahoot quiz, we were reading in class. In the afternoon we created our own book character and then animated it on the laptops, to bring it to life.

In PE we were playing basketball & working on managing our emotions in game situations.

typed by

Ryan and Connor

Weekly Update

This week for spelling we were learning about prefixes. In maths  we have been doing fractions and learning to calculate  the fraction of a quantity.

In ICT  we learned how to code our own game on Hour of Code. On Monday afternoon we went to the park since we couldn’t get to PE on Wednesday as we had committee groups.

We were also learning about the affect of smoking on the human body and how it affects  your brain, lungs and heart.

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