Weekly Update

This week we were learning about finances, budgeting and paying for things using higher purchase.

We typed up our stories and highlighted our similes and alliteration in yellow, conjunctions in green and sentence openers in blue.

We were practising our spelling words and reading some more of our book. We were answering questions based on the text.

We also started to practise and revise our knowledge of the different chess pieces ahead of our chess tournament next term.

In PE we finished our badminton block and had a little tournament Ashton and Ryan won on Tuesday, and Josh and Declan won on Wednesday.

We were also learning how to find different countries on the map and look at the countries they share a border with.

typed by

Ryan and Declan

Weekly Round-up

This week we had our whole school literacy groups again and we were learning about inference.

We wrote the next part of our narrative stories and some people began to type theirs up.

We completed a maths assessment on Wednesday and we have been practising our division facts.

In PE we were playing mini badminton games and practised shooting in basketball.

Yesterday we did art and we looked at different patterns and colours in various pieces of artwork. We also got to use the blocks and one group created their own bowling game.

Weekly Round-up

This week we have been continuing to consolidate our knowledge of division and are becoming more confident tackling these types of calculations more independently.

On Monday we were using our research skills to gather information on the Battle of Bannockburn, and use these to create a PowerPoint. We also started to learn about forces in science and we created our own parachutes.

We had Home Circles on Wednesday and were discussing what inclusion at Catrine Primary looks like.

We also started to play mini badminton games during our PE lessons.

We were also learning how to make a ping pong game using Scratch in ICT.

Weekly Round Up


This week we were doing division with reminders and some people were doing reminders with decimals.

We were reading ‘Divided City’ in literacy and it is our homophone week. In writing we wrote our introductions to our narrative story.

In health and wellbeing learning about different substances and the effects that alcohol has on a person.

In art we were learning about product design and looked at some of the work produced by Gillian Kyle. We then created our own Scottish art work in the style of Gillian Kyle.

In PE we continued to work on our Badminton skills and are able to serve and return. We are looking forward to having some small tournament games.

Typed By Skye And Layla