Weekly Round-up

On Wednesday the whole school went to the hall for another literacy morning. We paired up in our classes again and worked on the literacy strategy of visualisation which means drawing a picture of the information discovered in the book. The book was called “The BFG”.

On Wednesday afternoon we had Committee Groups where each Group focused on their different priorities.

Mr McGurn from the RBA spoke to the primary 7 pupils as part of their transition programme into S1.

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Weekly Round-up

In numeracy we focused on our division work, we were also doing some money maths with Mrs Govans and had to make sure we lined up our decimal points in our calculations.

We started a new book called “Divided City” and we did some work on the book. We also started our story time at Wednesday assembly and were learning about wars that took place in the past in Scotland.

In R.E we were learning about Judaism and different religions.

In PE we started doing some badminton and racket techniques.

In ICT we were making spreadsheets in Excel.

Written by

Josh & Ryan

Scots Verse Competition

All pupils have been given a Scots poem to learn for the Scots Verse Celebration.

P6 pupils will be learning ‘Up in the Morning Early’ by Robert Burns.

P7 pupils will be learning ‘Mrs Nae Offence’ by Gregor Steele

Pupils should practise their poems at home and should be ready to perform their poem by Wednesday 24th January. Pupils are able to use hand gestures and props for their poem.

5 pupils from each stage will be selected to perform in front of the judges and the winner will perform at our Scots Verse Celebration.