Merry Christmas

We’ve had a busy few weeks participating in lots of Christmas activities. We’ve enjoyed a fabulous Christmas lunch, a trip to the cinema and the P1-3 Nativity.

On Tuesday we had our P6/7 Christmas Party and spent the afternoon singing, dancing and playing lots of fun games.

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing everyone in 2024.


Weekly Round-up

This week we finished our book study ‘Holes’. Then we watched the movie so that we could compare the story and pick out any differences.

We were extremely busy creating lots of crafts for our Christmas Fayre and thank everyone who came and bought some of our wonderful creations.

In maths we have been learning to calculate the area of a shape and revising the grid method in multiplication.

In French we were learning the days of the week and the months of the year.

Today we were learning to use Scratch in ICT to animate our names.

Next week we are looking forward to our party on Tuesday and a whole school trip to the Odeon on Thursday.



Weekly Round up

On Monday some of our class went to Sportshall Athletics and had a very high score. We scored 1506 points. On Tuesday we were learning the Gay Gordons for our Christmas party.

In maths we have been learning division & how to calculate the area of a rectangle. We have been making crafts for the Christmas Fayre.

Last night we had a Christmas disco and the P7s sold glow sticks for their leavers hoodies.

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Layla and Millie

Weekly Round-up

This week for literacy we were learning about suffixes and we were also learning about bossy verbs. It was Big Talk week and we heard lots of beautiful talks that people had prepared.

In science we were learning about the effect soap has on germs and we did an experiment with pepper, water and soap.

Today the class earned themselves a YES day, for their hard work and excellent effort in class. Miss Burleigh couldn’t believe that we reached our 3000 class points already!

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