End of Term 1

We can’t believe that it is the end of Term 1 already.

This week we have been learning how to measure different items in our class using rulers,meter sticks and measuring tapes. We have been practising our times tables and completed a challenge to see how much we have improved. We also read some more of our book study and completed some work based on it.

On Wednesday some of our P7’s led our Harvest Service  and they were marvelous.  We had the Harvest Hush-in where we all had to be silent for 1 hour.

This afternoon we are doing a presentation for Janet which some of the P6/7’s will help to lead.

We hope everyone has a great October break.

Typed by



Weekly Round-up

This week we have been learning about subtraction with exchange. We have completed lots of difficult calculations and trying really hard.

We learned to do one point perspective art work and created beautiful harvest fields.

In literacy we were learning about the spelling rule ‘ti’ for the ‘sh’ sound. We also wrote about a fairground for descriptive writing. We read some more of our novel study ‘Holes’.

On Wednesday we have our John Muir Morning and every house went to explore a different area of Catrine and completed some fun challenges.

