First week back in P3/4

We have had a great first week back in primary 3/4. Lots of our activities have been based around getting to know you and team building since some of us came from different classes and of course Miss Caughie has just joined us.

One of our first jobs this week was to write a letter to our future self which Miss Caughie will keep for us to look back on at the end of the year to see how much we have changed.

Primary 3/4 have been looking at their rights in school and came up with a class charter linked to different articles. This then led them coming up with some rules for their classroom and around the school to ensure we have a safe, calm and welcoming environment.

We have also been doing some Numeracy and Literacy this week. Our favourite thing to do was times table bingo. We also enjoyed the start to our viking topic which is linked to the book ‘How to train your dragon’.

Miley – “I am happy to be back at school because I love learning.”

Amber – “I really enjoyed doing mental maths on the whiteboards, it was fun.”

We are all looking forward to our weekend to recharge our batteries for lots of learning next week!





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