All posts by Mrs McCaig

Farm Park Fun

What a fantastic day we had at Ayr Farm Park.  From bouncing on the air pillows and flying down the zip line to feeding the animals and a  giant game of tig in the castle- a great time was had by all!
We also enjoyed some time in the play barn and had a picnic lunch. There were a few sleepy heads on the return bus journey.

Check out the new meerkat friends we found along the way 😜



Big Talk

Just a little reminder that all talks should be ready to present next week (w/b 20th May). Some children have already shared the exciting places they have chosen to speak about. I can’t wait to hear them all next week. Please remember to practise as much as possible at home. Any PowerPoints or other information required can be emailed to me at



Picture Request

Some of the children have been sharing news about their beanstalks growing following on from our Fairy Tales Topic last term.  If they would like to share photos of their plants and are happy for these to go on the Blog please email them to me at

I can’t wait to see how they are getting on.


Mrs McCaig

Our Week

We had a very busy and fun last week of term in P3/4.  We continued with our time work in maths and with our spelling and grammar in literacy. We also rounded off our Fairytales topic with our final story of Cinderella. We did lots of fun activities including making an invite for a ball, building castles with Lego and creating our own Fairy God Mothers and thinking about the wishes we would ask them to grant.

We had an egg-cellent end to the week by decorating our eggs for the whole school competition. There were some amazing creations including a ninja turtle, a baby chick, Jesus and a puppy.

We were lucky enough to have both the P3 and P4 winners in our class – a huge well done to Miley and Oscar.

Scottish Poems

This month our school has a focus on all things Scottish. Each stage will have a specific topic and poem to learn.

This year the poem selected for P3 is Mince and Tatties by JK Annand and the P4 poem is The Snawman by JK Annand. (see both below)

A copy of the poem will also be sent home to allow everyone to practise as much as they can.