Wow Wednesday!

Bonjour P1/2!

It is peak of the week! How has your learning been this week… I can’t wait to read all of your ‘We’re going on a goat, dragon, unicorn, fox… hunt’ stories! I have had some wonderful stories so far, including a trip to space on a dinosaur hunt!!

here is your maths worksheet for today:

P1 2 numeracy WEDNESDAY

And some topic fun too… can you make an eye-catching and fabulous poster?

Dinosaurs – Why are they extinct

or try some dinosaur actions!

Have a great day! I look forward to seeing all of your work 🙂


Totally terrific Tuesday!

Hi P1/2!

I hope you all had a good Monday and got on well with your writing! How far did your characters get? How many obstacles did they meet? 🙂

Here is your numeracy work sheet for today:

P1 2 numeracy TUESDAY

And your R.E worksheet, the link for this Bible story is in the weekly plan, it is also in the Virtual Class on the Crucifix. After you have watched the clip, discuss the story with your grownups and reflect.

Jesus in the Temple

Have a fab day!

Miss O’Connell 🙂

Marvellous Monday!

Good morning P1/2!

How are you all? I hope you had a good weekend. Did anyone get out for a walk?

Here is your work for the week:

1. Weekly overview and activities

2. Suggested Daily Timetable

Remember to keep practising your spelling words and home reading books:

3. Home reader and spelling

3a. P1 Home Reader

3b. P2 Home Reader

Numeracy worksheet:

P1 2 numeracy MONDAY

Literacy – Bear Hunt resources for the week

Bear Hunt Resource 1

Bear Hunt Resource 2

Bear Hunt Resource 3

Bear Hunt Resource 4

I will post your RE work tomorrow, Deadly Dinosaur work on Wednesday and I will post your maths worksheet each day, so keep checking back! 🙂

Any questions and I will be available on email and here on Glow blogs! 🙂

Have a fab day! 🙂