Wk ending 28th March

This week we have been continuing to learn to say, make and write o’clock times…

We also made some dens outside…

We were super proud of Emily and Ruaridh this week. Emily represented the school at the Robert Burns Academy reciting our Scots Poem and Ruaridh spoke beautifully at our Easter Service…

On Thursday we had great fun making our eggs for the Easter Egg Competition.

Wk ending 22nd March

In literacy we have been learning ‘ch’ so we built churches, chopped playdough to make chocolate and chips, chatted on the phone, drew Easter chicks and cheese.

In RME, we have continued to learn about Ramadan and Eid. We learned that, in Egypt, during the month of Ramadan, streets are illuminated at night by colourful lanterns. So we decided to make our own colourful lanterns. We had to use lots of skills, like using a ruler and scissors carefully, to make them. I’m sure you’ll agree we did a great job!

On Thursday afternoon we went down to the ECC with the P6 class for the Teddy Bear’s picnic. We had so much fun seeing all the ladies and playing with some of our friends from last year.

Teddy Bear’s Picnic


“Tomorrow you have to bring one teddy to school because it is the Teddy Bear’s Picnic.” – Gracie

“We are going to the nursery for the Teddy Bear’s Picnic” – Dalton

“We will see all the teachers and our friends at the nursery” – Savannah & Blair

“You can make new friends there” – Gracie


Wk ending 15th March

In literacy we have been learning ‘th’ digraph.  We learned how to write it neatly and use it to make words.  We also made thank you cards, cleaned teeth with toothbrushes, made thin and thick snakes and used blocks to make theatres…

In maths we have been continuing to learn about money.  We were learning how to make amounts four different ways using the 4 Ways Boards…

In RME, we have been learning about the festival of Eid al-Fitr.  We made  Mehndi Pattern hand designs…

We also had great fun out our village walk this week.  We spotted ducks in the river and some daffodils growing in the gardens…

We’ve had lots of fun building this week using blocks and cardboard boxes…

We have been playing the Glockenspiels along to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star…

On Thursday morning we had a surprise visit from PC Aitken, the campus police officer.  We got to ask her lots of questions and she even showed us her handcuffs and restraints and tried them on a few of us.

Week Ending 8th March

In maths this week we have been focusing on making amounts using the best combination of coins.

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day.  We had so much fun reading our books from home. We spent time chatting about our favourite parts with our friends. After break, some of the children from the Reading Leadership group had set up a Gingerbread Man themed treasure hunt for us.  We worked in small teams finding all the characters.  In the afternoon Mrs Robertson came down to read us a story. It was a lovely day and we were surprised with a book each to take home!

In PE this week we continued to focus on balancing and rolling.  Here are some of our amazing balances.

Wk ending 1.3.24

We have had a consolidation week in literacy this week, going over all the sounds and common words we have learned so far.

In maths, we are still working on recognising coins and have started to learn about making amounts.

We had so much fun using the magnets to sort coins that we decided to learn about their properties. We learned about ‘magnetic field’ and that we can make magnets ‘attract’ and ‘repel’. We then tried to make magnet paths and follow the coin through the paper…

The rain stopped our walk this week but when the weather cleared we managed to get out and have some time playing outside. We played Superheroes, showed off our dance moves and built houses…