Week Ending 23.2.24

The children have been working really hard this week and have been using the iPads to capture their own learning. Check out their fantastic photos.

In Literacy we have been learning the ‘qu’ and ‘x’ sounds

In Maths we have started a topic on Money and have been working hard to recognise the coins from 1p to £2.  You can practice this at home by getting your child to sort and recognise coins and maybe even try to put them in order.

In PE this week we started our Gymnastics topic with Mrs Schendel and we focused on balancing and travelling on the mats.

We enjoyed another Cosmic Yoga session. This time it was Sonic theme! Can you see our little hedgehogs 🦔…

Wk ending 8th Feb

This week we have been learning the ‘y’ and ‘z’ sound.  We have been building yachts, painted yellow sunflowers, designed yogurt pots, drew zebras and created zoos…

We have also been learning how to work out missing number calculations using numicon…

We have started learning how to play the Glockenspiels in music this week too..

And had fun doing Dinosaur Cosmic Yoga…

We explored using the Base 10 materials to work out really challenging calculations! And had fun building with them too …

Week Ending 02.02.24

In literacy, we learned the ‘j’ and ‘z’ sound. We loved playing with jelly, having a game of jenga, making paper plate jellyfish, building jungles and measuring our jumps.

In maths, we have been using different tools to help us subtract. So far we have learned how to use our fingers, cubes, number lines and Rekenreks. We have also explored what our favourite tool is.