Last Week of Term One

What a busy term we have had. The children have all settled so well into Primary One and have been working their socks off.

This week we have been focusing on counting and ordering numbers in Numeracy.

In Literacy our new sounds this week were ‘p’ and ‘n’ and we have learned the common words ‘an’, ‘in’ and ‘is’.  Here are some songs to help you practise at home.

In PE this week we had great fun playing different  games such as the Traffic Light Game and Dance Tig.

This was our student teacher, Miss Carr’s last week in school and we wish her the best of luck for the future and thank her for all her hard work.

Have a lovely week off and we will see you again on Tuesday 24th October.

Mrs Cook and Mrs Ferguson

One thought on “Last Week of Term One”

  1. Thank you Primary 1, you have been a pleasure to teach and I’m so sad to be leaving you all. I’ll really miss you!
    Remember these two things:
    1. Miss Carr thinks you’re all wee stars.
    2. You can be anything you want to be if you work hard and believe in yourself.

    I will always remember Catrine Primary School and especially this P1 class as where I finally became a Primary Teacher.

    A big thank you to Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Cook, you both have been the best mentors I could ever ask for. ❤️❤️❤️

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