First week back

It was so lovely to see everyone after the holidays and great to be having fun learning in Primary One again. What a busy week we have had!

We have been working on ordering and writing our numbers to 10.  We are also consolidating our first six sounds ‘a,t,s,i,p,n’. We have been saying the sounds, writing them and building words!

This week we will send home these sounds on little flash cards. These should be used at home as often as possible. They can be removed from the treasury tag and children can say the sound and start building words with the cards. Please remember to put them back in bag everyday as new sounds will be added as they are covered in class.

We also made our own spooky Playdough to get us in the Halloween mood and had great fun with some Halloween themed activities 🎃

Last Week of Term One

What a busy term we have had. The children have all settled so well into Primary One and have been working their socks off.

This week we have been focusing on counting and ordering numbers in Numeracy.

In Literacy our new sounds this week were ‘p’ and ‘n’ and we have learned the common words ‘an’, ‘in’ and ‘is’.  Here are some songs to help you practise at home.

In PE this week we had great fun playing different  games such as the Traffic Light Game and Dance Tig.

This was our student teacher, Miss Carr’s last week in school and we wish her the best of luck for the future and thank her for all her hard work.

Have a lovely week off and we will see you again on Tuesday 24th October.

Mrs Cook and Mrs Ferguson

Week Ending 6.10.23

This week in Primary One we have been very busy bees. In maths we have been focusing on writing the numbers 8 and 9 as well as working on counting and ordering numbers to ten.

In Literacy we have been learning the ‘s’ and ‘i’ sounds.  Here are some songs that we have been using in class.

In PE this week we played games with the parachute.

We also listened to different pieces of music and used our bodies to show how they made us feel. This is how we looked during a sad piece of music.