Scottish Transition Forum

Scottish Transitions Forum

Our aim:

To improve the experiences of young people (14-25) who require additional support who are making the transition to young adult life.

Our objectives:

Support joined-up working across all services
Continually improve knowledge, motivation and practice
Inform and empower young people and their carers

Membership of the Scottish Transitions Forum is free and open to anyone who shares our aim. We have over 950 members, including professionals from allrelevant sectors, young people and their carers. We consult our members on all aspects of our work.

Our work benefits all young people who require additional support in Scotland, including those with learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, sensory impairments, life limiting health conditions, mental health difficulties, young carers and those who have been looked after.

Link to Scottish Transition Forum’s 7 principles of good transition for 14-25 year olds:

Contact details




Phone: 0131 663 4444     Twitter: @Scotranfor      @ARCScot

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