Good Afternoon (5.2.21)

You have reached the end of another week of online learning!

I hope you have all had a great week despite the weather being a bit rubbish. Please remember to share your poem with me via e-mail if you wish to be part of the small competition. 

I have some very exciting news for you all!

On Wednesday 10th February at 11am we are going to be having an online class Vscene meeting. Mrs McKee will send your parents an e-mail with all the details you need to join. I look forward to seeing you all and I am sure you will look forward to seeing your friends.

For this meeting I would like you to bring along something that means a lot to you. This could be your favourite toy, cuddly teddy, lego model, a photo of a special memory. Anything that you wish to talk about and show myself and your friends you can bring along.

I am super excited to see you all.

I look forward to looking at what you have all been doing this week.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Kelly x



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