Thursday 4th February

Good morning boys and girls 👋🏼

We are now on Thursday another week is nearly over which hasn’t had very good weather but we received some good news. I am looking forward to welcoming you back on the 22nd of February. I have missed having you all in class.

How are you feeling about coming back to school?

Have you had a look at some of the Mental Health activities Mrs Mclaughland posted on the main school blog. Today would be a good day to try some activities as the weather isn’t very good for going out ☔️
Let me know if you try any? If you try more than one what  was your favourite?

May I also ask you to send me a video of you reciting your poem  ‘My Wee Doggie’. We are going to choose some readings from each class and run it like a competition.

Enjoy your day and keep working hard 🌟

Miss Kelly x

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