Monday 8th February

Good morning everyone 🙂

It is the start of another new week. I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I  got out for a nice long walk on Sunday and got caught in a down pour of rain. I was so wet but I came home and enjoyed a big hot chocolate to heat me up.

Did you do anything nice over the weekend?

Have you read the previous post about our exciting news this week. We will be having a Vscene video call. I am excited to see you on Wednesday for it.

Please send your video of you saying your Scottish poem to me by the end of today (Monday) if you would like to be part of the small competition.

I will be in school on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Here is your learning activities for this week.

Learning wb Feb 8th

Ou phoneme story


The zoo vet questions

Volume and capacity

Rainbow to 10 and 20

Make your own tortoise

elephant mask

elephant mask-colour

Dinosaur sorting activity

Miss Kelly x



Good Afternoon (5.2.21)

You have reached the end of another week of online learning!

I hope you have all had a great week despite the weather being a bit rubbish. Please remember to share your poem with me via e-mail if you wish to be part of the small competition. 

I have some very exciting news for you all!

On Wednesday 10th February at 11am we are going to be having an online class Vscene meeting. Mrs McKee will send your parents an e-mail with all the details you need to join. I look forward to seeing you all and I am sure you will look forward to seeing your friends.

For this meeting I would like you to bring along something that means a lot to you. This could be your favourite toy, cuddly teddy, lego model, a photo of a special memory. Anything that you wish to talk about and show myself and your friends you can bring along.

I am super excited to see you all.

I look forward to looking at what you have all been doing this week.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Kelly x



Thursday 4th February

Good morning boys and girls 👋🏼

We are now on Thursday another week is nearly over which hasn’t had very good weather but we received some good news. I am looking forward to welcoming you back on the 22nd of February. I have missed having you all in class.

How are you feeling about coming back to school?

Have you had a look at some of the Mental Health activities Mrs Mclaughland posted on the main school blog. Today would be a good day to try some activities as the weather isn’t very good for going out ☔️
Let me know if you try any? If you try more than one what  was your favourite?

May I also ask you to send me a video of you reciting your poem  ‘My Wee Doggie’. We are going to choose some readings from each class and run it like a competition.

Enjoy your day and keep working hard 🌟

Miss Kelly x

Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning,

We are half way through another week! The days are just disappearing.
It’s a bit of a wild day out there today, very windy and wet. I think I will stay inside today but if you are going out make sure and wrap up and don’t get blown away.

How are you all getting on with this weeks learning activities?

Miss Kelly x

Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning,

Seems like a bit of a dull day today hopefully it brightens up as the day goes on.
i hope to get out a short walk later today. Are you all managing to get out for a little fresh air? It might just be out to the garden to play or a walk but either way you are getting some fresh air.

Look out later for some photos of what some of your friends have been doing.

Have a great day!
Miss Kelly

Learning Activities 1.2.21

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had  a lovely weekend. It goes in so quick. I had a nice relaxed weekend and went some short walks to get fresh air.

How are you feeling today? What nice things did you do at the weekend? 🙂

You are all working very hard and I love seeing your activities each week. It is the start of a new week and hopefully another week closer to use being back to school. Below are your learning activities:

Learning wb Feb 1st

Ow words

Word Search With ow Word Bank


SAC Monkey Puzzle- Activity ideas

Number puzzles

SAC Monkey Puzzle- Activity ideas


Dino comprehension

Types of dinosaurs


Paper Plate Lion

I will be in school on Friday 5th February this week.

Have fun completing your activities.

Miss Kelly