Homework W.B 25th April

For homework this week we are focusing on the a-e phoneme as in ‘cake’.  Please see your word list below. You can practise your words using this online game: https://games.galacticphonics.com/longvowels/a-e/interactive/aespell/aespellt.htm or in any other way that you like.

For reading please see this weeks books below:

The Fantastic Foxes – Exploring London

The Wonderful Wonkas – Exploring Rock Pools

The Clever Crocodiles – The Mermaids Visit the Vet

If you have questions that need a written answer please answer in full sentences.

For numeracy we are continuing to look at data handling this week you can have a go at some of these games on Topmarks :https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/data-handling

Or you can continue your times tables practise. You could try this website to help you: https://www.timestables.co.uk/


Homework W.B 19th April

Hello everyone! It was so lovely to see all of the children who were back today and hear all about their lovely Easter holidays! They all seem happy to be back and ready for our final busy term of P2.

I am not allocating any new homework this week as it is the shorter week. If children can revise the phonemes they have already learned and revisit their reading book from the week before the holidays.

They can also practise their times tables facts for numeracy.