Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay in getting homework up for this week.
For literacy we are consolidating our learning of y, igh and i-e. Please see this weeks word list below. In class tomorrow the children will create their own word list by choosing words from the list below that they want to focus on or that they find difficult.
In reading our groups are changing slightly. I will let the children know tomorrow what group they are in but they might already be able to tell you going by the book they read today and you will see the book allocated on Bug Club.
The Fantastic Foxes – Dino-soaring.
The Wonderful Wonkas – Epic Adventures.
The Clever Crocodiles – Ballet.
For numeracy we are continuing our learning of multiplication and time. Triangles have explored the 2 times table and the circles have been exposed to the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables too. For time we have been looking at matching digital times to analogue times, discussing when certain things happen (AM or PM) and trying to tell the time. Triangles – o’clock and half past. Circles – o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Some circles have been trying to work times out using five minute intervals and to the nearest minute and have been doing a super job.
Here are some games the children could play: