Homework W.B 28.2.22

Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

For homework this week can you work on learning all of these phonemes. These are all of the joined phonemes we should know so far.

Our new phoneme this week is ‘y’. Please see our spelling words this week below.

For reading I have allocated a new book. Please read this at least 2-3 times if possible.

Diamonds – Jay and Sniffer, The Bike Race

Sapphires – Silly Jack and the Dancing Mice

For numeracy this week we are moving onto Multiplication and will continue our learning on Time. Have a go at a couple of the games below.





School Garden


Primary 2A and ourselves are looking to develop the school garden. We are looking for any spare parts. Mrs Smith has included a list below. If you are able to donate anything could you please email Mrs Smith to let her know what it is so we don’t end up with more than we need? Thank you for your support.

Email: earachel.smith@glow.sch.uk

Logs, sticks, cones, stones, pebbles, whiskey barrel planters, decking/planks of wood (please check for nails).

palettes, cable drums, willow baskets, guttering, buckets, funnels, pots/ pans, tarpaulins, nets, hammocks, fake grass, old welly boots.

Homework W.B 21st February

Hello everyone!

For literacy this week we are learning the sound igh. Please see this weeks word list below.

spelling grid

For reading I have allocated some extra books for leisure but this weeks books are below.

Sapphires – What Makes You Laugh?

Diamonds – Grow It Back!

For numeracy we will be continuing with subtraction this week. Have a go at some of these subtraction games to practise.




Just to update everyone that we will be resuming our outdoor learning from Wednesday. The children have been missing our adventures outdoors and I have found a massive bag of waterproof overalls that we can wear to enable us to be outdoors even in the not so nice weather.

If children can bring a change of clothes with them if you do not want their school things getting wet or dirty and ensure they have gloves etc to keep them warm.

Homework W.B 7th February

Hello everyone, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

For spelling this week we are consolidating the sounds au, ew, ow and ou. Please see this weeks spelling list below but you can create your own if you wish.

For reading I have allocated a new book for this week:

Sapphires – Sea Snaps

Diamonds – My Life

The Sapphires will be familiar with their book as Miss Kinnaird was a bit silly last week and gave them the wrong one!

For numeracy we are going to be focusing on addition and subtraction strategies. We are going to continue looking at using a number line in our Number Talks as we found this strategy a bit trickier than partitioning.

You could have a go at these calculations using these strategies.