Hello everyone, sorry for the delay in posting the homework this week. My internet was down last night 🙁
For homework this week I would like you to focus on our new sound ‘ew’. Please see our word list below. Can you think of any more ‘ew’ words?
I would love you to focus on our Scottish poem ‘The Sair Finger’ and be ready to perform this to the class on Friday should you wish to take part in the competition. You could even have a go at creating some actions.
I have assessed the children at their Bug Club levels and will be moving almost all of the children up for next week. Books this week are as follows:
Sapphires – Jay and Sniffer: The Missing Masks
Diamonds – Bug Boy: Spider Camp
For numeracy if you can focus on number bonds to 10 and 20. You can practise them on Topmarks Hit the Button as we need to try and make these more automatic.