All posts by eaamy.carten@glow

Closure of Class Tabs 

The P3 teachers have decided that we will soon be closing the individual class tabs on this blog. We are approaching our storage limit and often need to delete images before posting new lessons. We do love seeing your amazing work and sharing it for the rest of your class to see so don’t worry you can still do this. Teams is the easiest way to post photographs, short videos and chat with your classmates and teacher. If you want you can email your teacher directly with any questions you have.
Here is a little reminder of how to access Teams. 

Step 1 – search for the glow login page .

Step 2 – sign in using the login details you received with your report cards. The username usually starts with GW followed by 2 numbers then your name. 

Step 3 – when the glow home screen appears look for the Teams tile.
Step 4 – you should now see your class chat.

*Not all devices support Teams. The easiest way to access is download the app Teams from the App Store. Use same login details. 

Welcome back everyone! We hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and are ready to start learning. This school week only lasts three days so we thought we would do things a little different.

Numeracy  and Literacy Lessons are posted for the week. You will be finding out all about the TEN TIMES TABLE and BABY DRAGONS!

The other tabs that will be updated for you will be Health and Well-being and Vikings. The Vikings Topic comes to an end on Thursday. The work you have produced along your journey has been amazing! Well done to you all and to Mrs McPhail for putting this section of your learning together.

Don’t worry next week a new mini topic will begin.

Please  click the link below to visit the main Onthank Blog for information about our virtual assembly and plans for Sports Week.


As always, please keep in touch with your class teacher and do what you can when you can. Our lessons are a guide for you and it is not expected that you need to complete all learning provided.

x Team P3 x

Holiday Reminder

Just a little post to remind you that we are on holiday from school on Monday and Tuesday next week. There will be no new work posted at this time. As always do what you can when you can there is no pressure to complete all work posted on the blog. We hope you all have a lovely long weekend and the sun keeps shining. 😊P3 Teachers😊

😊 Seven Days of Kindness 😊

In celebration of Metal Health Awareness Week 2020 and the theme of kindness, we are encouraging you to get mentally healthy by spreading a little kindness.  Try completing two acts of kindness a day – one for yourself and one for someone else!


International Nurses Day

Tuesday the 12th of May is International Nurses Day.

We are so thankful for our nurses who work around the clock to help patients, especially during this pandemic.

Today also marks 200 years since Florence Nightingale, the Lady with the Lamp was born.

Why not find out a little more about her by watching the clip below.

I have also attached a few activities you might like to complete but please remember these activities are just ideas you do not need to complete everything.




