P1/2 Story Telling Session

Some of our P1/2 Parents, Carers and Grandparents came in to read to the P1/2’s. The children thoroughly enjoyed their stories and liked hearing the stories being read to them by other adults.

Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to make the afternoon such a success. The children are looking forward to the next story telling session.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Ochiltree Primary hosted a MacMillan Coffee Morning on Wednesday 20th September 2023.

The children were taken through their paces by Stuart, Head Butler from Dumfries House on Monday afternoon in preparation for Wednesday’s Coffee Morning. Stuart spoke about his work as King Charles’s personal butler when he visits Dumfries House. He demonstrated ‘Butler Service’ serving food and drink. The class loved hearing about the King and some ‘secrets’!

Thank you to all who came along to support our MacMillan Coffee Morning. There were lots of very positive comments about our Primary 7s and their hospitality skills from our guests. We look forward to supporting the Ochiltree Hub’s MacMillan Coffee Morning on the 29th September 2023.


Comments by the children-

We loved how friendly everyone was.

I was really pleased to hear someone say, ‘It is a 5 star review from me.’

Stuart showed us how to hold plates and not to look as if we were rushing so that we made people feel important.

We are really impressed how much we raised for a very important cause.


Journey to Jupiter

Dear Parent/Carer,

EAC – Journey to Jupiter

We are delighted to be participating in East Ayrshire Council’s new Active Travel initiative Journey to Jupiter this session. The aim of this project is to get young people walking to school in a bid to further reduce our carbon emissions here in East Ayrshire, while also reducing congestion at our school gates and promoting Active Travel.

Each time our young people travel to/from school by walking, scooting/cycling, they will earn an S-mile for their class.

Park & Stride – pupils will earn an S-Mile even if they walk part of the journey to/from school. A walking circuit will be available in the playground for pupils who travel to school by taxi/bus and for any pupil who wishes to gather bonus S-miles for their class during break/lunch times.

Bonus S-Miles can be earned by parents/siblings/staff walking the journey to school too. Class walks, outings and Daily Mile time also earn S-Miles for classes.

Classes will receive certificates/rewards each time they set a new walking record for their class. We will collate our S-Miles each week in

school and send our totals to the Climate Change Team at East Ayrshire Council each month.

The Launch!

Once all participating schools have banked 444,000 S-Miles, we will have enough power bars to launch our EAC Clean Green rocket, sending it all the way to Jupiter.

We will begin collecting S-Miles on Tuesday 26th September and continue to gather as many as we can throughout the year.

Thank you in advance for supporting our Journey to Jupiter.

Ochiltree Eco Committee

Clean Green Education Awards

Clean Green Education Awards 2023

Emma Mair and Lyle Beagrie attended the East Ayrshire Youth Climate Conference 2023 last week and delivered a wonderful presentation on behalf of Ochiltree Primary School. They spoke confidently about how we manage waste in our school and community. We received special recognition in waste management as part of our Clean Green Award. Congratulations to all our pupils for their hard work.



Roald Dahl Day

We are going to celebrate “Roald Dahl” day on Wednesday 13 September. The teachers will prepare some activities for class and we thought it would be fun, for those who want to, to mark the day by also doing one of the following:

  • dress up as a character from a Roald Dahl novel
  • wear something yellow (his favourite colour!)
  • wear some of your clothing backwards (seeing as Roald Dahl liked funny backwards words!)

There is NO need to buy anything new, this is just a little bit of fun to mark the author’s birthday.

Mrs Cunningham

Rag Bag Update

Eco News Rag Bag Collection 18th September

Recycle your textiles and clothing while raising money for school funds and helping us with our Eco  through taking part in our Rag Bag collection.

Please send any of the following into school on or before 18th September – 

  • Wearable Clothing
  • Paired Shoes
  • Handbags
  • Belts

Thank you for your help.

The Eco Committee

NHS Update

Currently, parts of the UK and Europe are seeing an increase in the number of people getting measles. In response to this, Public Health Scotland (PHS) has prepared the attached letter to be distributed to parents and carers of P1 and S1 pupils. This raises awareness of the importance of the MMR vaccine in protecting against measles and provides information on what parents/carers can do to make sure their child is up-to-date with vaccinations. This letter is also available in Arabic, Mandarin, Punjabi, Polish, Ukrainian and Urdu (see QR code on letter directing to translated versions). Please see attached PDF.

MMR vaccine letter to parents – Schools – August 2023

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