P4 and P5 pupils are looking forward to their visit to Dumfries House tomorrow. Children should bring a packed lunch , ( unless already ordered on Parentpay) and water bottle with them.
Don’t forget wellies or old shoes to change into and a waterproof jacket. As the weather is variable, suncream should also be applied in case the sun comes out for 2 days in a row 🌤
A letter and Medical/Emergency Information form has been sent home today to all P7 pupils outlining the arrangements for transition to the academy in the final term. Please look out for these in school bags.
Please complete and return the Medical/Emergency Information form to the school by Friday 3rd of May.
Mrs Meek, P4/5 Class Teacher (Wed, Thurs, Fri) is currently absent. The P4/5 class will be taught by Ms A Smith on Wednesday 24th April and 1st – 3rd May. Ms C Smith will teach the class on 25th and 26th April. Mrs Bell will continue to teach on a Monday and Tuesday and will liaise with the teachers to ensure a smooth transition takes place and the children’s learning journey continues as expected.
I have received notification from the authority that both Mrs Gregor and myself will continue in our current roles of Acting Depute and Acting Head Teacher until the end of this session.
There you will be asked to enter your Reference Number, which can be found below the barcode printed beneath the chosen picture. Enter the necessary details and add to the cart. Repeat this process for all the photos you wish to buy.
The children have been invited to attend the Ochiltree Cattle Show on 24th April.
Weather permitting, we hope to attend to see the Show and the Crafts Competition.
All of the children have entered a piece of their artwork for judging and their work can be seen in the Bowling Club later in the day.
If you are willing to assist with walking the children to and from the Cattle Show, please contact the school.
We are looking forward to our visit from famous children’s author, Vivian French, on Monday 22nd April. Younger pupils will be working with Vivuan and an illustrator in preparation for the Boswell Book Festival which takes place on the 11th and 12th of May.
Our P6 pupils have been invited to take part in Bozzy’s Schools’ Day on Friday 10th May at Dumfries House.
We have left Gretna and are on the final leg of our journey home. After a short stop in Logan, we should be back in Ochiltree around 11 p.m.
If there are any delays a further update will be posted.
Our bus driver has asked that you leave both sides of the road at the school clear for him . Should you wish to park in the school car park tonight, please do so.
Whilst we are sure that you will be keen to have your child back home, please speak with a member of staff before leaving with your child and their bags. We don’t want to lose anyone now!😃 Thank you.
A huge thank you also to all the children for making the visit so wonderful and to the dedicated staff who made this visit possible. Go Team Ochiltree!
We had a great time at Harry Potter. Sadly we have had to leave our broomsticks and magic potions behind and are now on our way home on our Hogwart’s bus ( which departed on schedule).
Good morning! We had a great day yesterday and a quiet night. We are looking forward to breakfast and being Wizards today.
Please check on this blog for information about our expected arrival time home. It is currently anticipated to be around 11.45 p.m. Any changes will be posted here so please check later this evening.