To raise funds for the school there will be a variety of old library books available to purchase for a small donation that can be paid through ParentPay.
Thank you for your continued support.
To raise funds for the school there will be a variety of old library books available to purchase for a small donation that can be paid through ParentPay.
Thank you for your continued support.
Please note that tonight’s Parent Council meeting held in the MaidSafe Foundation Centre is now starting at 7.00 p.m.
Thank you.
Help us on our mission to Shoot to Saturn by collecting Bonus S-miles for us! If you have walked to school with your child log your journey by scanning the QR code on the banner at the front of the school.
If you have made any active travel journeys during evenings, weekends or holidays click on the link below to register your Bons S-miles!
Please see attached PDF:
Shoot to Saturn – Primary Supporter QR Code (1)
Vibrant Communities are looking for your thoughts on the services they provide. In Ochiltree Primary, Vibrant Communities staff have helped to organise the funding and running of our after- school sports clubs, as well as organising visits and taster sessions from different sports clubs for all pupils.
They would be grateful if you could complete the questionnaire at the following link or via the QR code shown.
If you have not received a parents’ day/evening appointment and still require one, please contact the school office on 01290 700351.
Thank you.
On behalf of Ochiltree Parent Council
REMINDER – all pictures need to be included with the order form for the Christmas card orders and left at Maidsafe Foundation. However, order forms can be handed to the Parent Council at 7.00 p.m. tonight at the Harvest Hoe Down disco.
We are looking forward to our next Parent Council meeting being held on Tuesday 8th October commencing at 7:30pm in the MaidSafe Foundation STEM Centre.
Please see attached agenda for the night:
OPS PC Meeting Agenda 04102024
Thank you.
Ochiltree Parent Council
October Play Times from Vibrant Communities. Please see attached PDF for full details:
Take a look …………..
Please take a look at Primary 6/7’s VIP visitor today!
A slip with your allocated Parents’ Day/Night appointment is in your child’s bag. Please contact the school with any issues.
Thank you.
As you are aware Ochiltree is a nut free school . We have just been notified that mustard is also potentially a risk. Please could you avoid these products coming into school at present. Our catering teams have all been made aware.
Thank you.
Please see that attached PDF for “Super Tatties Birthday” menu on 4th October 2024 (please order through ParentPay).
Thank you.
Dear Parent/Carer
Church Lunches – October – December 2024
Ochiltree Parish Church is once again hosting lunches on a Thursday in the Church Hall. Lunches are usually soup and a filled roll (payment is made directly to the Church on the day).
Pupils from Primary 5, 6 and 7 will be able to attend under parental supervision starting Thursday 24th October. If you wish your child to go for a lunch at the Church on a Thursday this should be confirmed in writing and is based on the understanding that your child is under parental supervision and will only travel to and from the Church Hall.
No child will be allowed to go without written permission from their parent.
Thank you to Ochiltree Church for inviting us to take part.
We hope this information is helpful.
Yours faithfully
Depute Head Teacher
Our Parents’ Day/Evening will be held on Thursday 10th October. Please select which time slot best suits you and we will try to accommodate your wishes. Times are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Thank you.
As we continue to develop our outdoor learning at Ochiltree Primary School we are starting things off this term with three sessions with the Countryside Ranger service.
All the children will take part in activities including den building and bush craft.
We ask that on the following dates pupils wear wellies/ sturdy shoes and a waterproof jacket as we head outdoors for fun what ever the weather. So pop the following dates in the diary.
Wednesday 18th September
Thursday 26th September
Wednesday 2nd October
Thank you.
Macmillan Cancer Support is one of the largest British charities and provides specialist health care, information and financial support to people affected by cancer. It also looks at the social, emotional and practical impact cancer can have, and campaigns for better cancer care. Macmillan Cancer Support’s goal is to reach and improve the lives of everyone affected by cancer in the UK.
Ochiltree Primary School is having a coffee morning, to support this charity, on Tuesday 1st October from 9.15 a.m. – 10.15 a.m. within the school.
We look forward to seeing you – everyone welcome!
All donations will be forwarded to Macmillan Cancer Support.
As part of our space topic we will be making space rockets next week. We would appreciate “junk materials” such as cereal boxes, kitchen roll tubes, milk bottle caps etc. to allow this activity to take place.
Thank you.
Mrs Meek