All posts by Mrs MCDICKEN

Assembly – Respect

At Assembly this week the children were talking about respect . This includes good listening, caring for others, encouraging each other and being pleased for each others’ successes.  It also means remembering to say please and thank you and being kind to each other.

We celebrated our wider achievements. If your child is doing anything outwith the school that the rest of the boys and girls would like to hear about at Assembly, please let the school know.

Next week at Assembly will be based on Fitness. Mrs Meek and our P4s will leading the school in this. We will also be talking about Harvest and the cost of the school day.

EAC Facilities & Property Management

From Monday the 29th August, all EA Catering Services Primary Schools will provide free fruit during morning interval for our young people to promote healthy eating as part of their 5 day. A variety of fresh fruit will be available from the canteen in all primary schools for our young learners to enjoy.


Freshly prepared soups home baking, dessert, milk and water will be available at lunch time in accordance with the weekly menus. All main meals at lunch time will be served with 2 choice vegetable/salad garnish.

Roald Dahl Day

To help celebrate Roald Dahl day we ask children to come dressed as their favourite  Roald Dahl character on Wednesday 14 September. Roald Dahl’s books were about children being kind and caring even when life is super tough.

We are not asking for a donation from the children as a donation from the school staff  will be sent to support the Roald Dahl charity for children who are seriously ill and being brave. If anyone wishes to contribute, a box will be available just inside the front door of the main school entrance.

Being brave is about feeling scared but carrying on anyway. Being kind is being kind and generous to someone else. The nurses, who look after sick children, are super kind and are amazing!

Can you discuss with your child about a time when they have been kind or brave to help us to celebrate on 14 September.




P.E. Update

During the Covid19 pandemic the school was not allowed to store P.E. kits from home. This guidance has now changed and your child can leave their P.E. clothes and shoes in a clearly labelled bag in school.

P.E. kits will be sent home every Friday and holiday for washing.

Football strips are not allowed.

*Please ensure all items are clearly labelled.

Thank you.

Monday 29 August – P.E./Rugby

P.E./Rugby Input for Primary 5/6 + Primary 6/7

As part of their P.E. curriculum all  P5/6 and P6/7 pupils will have a 3 week block of rugby skills development on Mondays led by Cumnock Rugby Club and Vibrant Communities. As the training will be outdoors (unless very poor weather) pupils should wear trainers/joggers/leggings/shorts, t-shirt and have a warm sweatshirt/fleece. A waterproof jacket should also be brought.

P6/7 pupils will have rugby on:

  • Monday 29th August
  • Monday 5th September
  • Monday 12th September

P5/6 pupils will have rugby on:

  • Monday 26th September
  • Monday 3rd October
  • Monday 10th October

P4 pupils will have a block of rugby lessons later in the session.