All posts by Mrs MCDICKEN

Free String Tuition for P6 and P7 – Dumfries House


Prince’s Foundation Performing Arts Programme – Pierburg Building, Dumfries House

The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Junior Conservatoire, The Prince’s Foundation and East Ayrshire Council are offering the opportunity for children in Primary 6 and 7 (as of August 2022) who are currently receiving string tuition within the classroom in the Cumnock, Doon and Auchinleck areas to further their instrumental progression, supported through funding from The Prince’s Foundation.

The application form for our Dumfries House Music Centre can be completed here:

The closing date for applications is Monday 31 October. Places are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have any questions, please contact


Primary 7 look fabulous in their leavers’ hoodies!

It was great to see so many parents/carers and family friends join the school for MacMillan Coffee morning, organised by Primary 6/7. A total of £289 was raised. Thank you for your continued support.

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Ochiltree Primary School celebrates Roald Dahl day ….

Primary 2/3 Update

We have been learning all about alphabetical order in our literacy lessons. We love doing activities to learn and practise our new skills. Our grammar activities include a letter hunt, a dictionary search, putting animals into alphabetical order, sorting letters and playing a capital and lower case matching pairs game. 

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Primary 2/3 have been busy learning all about place value in maths. One of our favourite activities is a number hunt which we often do in our gym hall. We have to find all the number cards and identify the number that is covered up by the animal. This is such a fun way to learn new skills!

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Halloween Costume Swap Shop

If your child has outgrown their previous Halloween costume and you are wondering what to do with it, we have a possible solution!

Sent it to school on Monday 3rd October in a clearly labelled bag – costume, type and age/size marked. This allows for the costume to be in school for a few days.

Then on Parents@ Evening you will be able to, hopefully, select a different costume for your child. If you are happy to make a small donation this would be much appreciated. Donations will be put towards the school’s transport cost evenly across the school.

Thank you for your continued support. If extra costumes are left over, the school will donate them to a charity shop.