All posts by Mrs MCDICKEN

School Trips – packed lunches

The following school trips are taking place on Friday 17 June:

P1/2 + P2/3 Culzean Country Park

P3/4 Vikingar, Largs

If you require a packed lunch for your child, please ensure it is ordered through ParentPay by tomorrow to enable the school kitchen preparation time.

If you have any issues ordering a packed lunch on ParentPay, please contact the school office.

Thank you.

Sports Day Infomation

We are looking forward to the Sports Day  on 8th June ( weather permitting).  After a lovely few days, the weather forecast for Wednesday is not so good.

Should it rain on Tuesday night or on Wednesday morning the grass may be too wet to hold the event and it will be carried over to the 15th June. Please look out for an update on Wednesday morning by 9.30 a.m. on the app.

The children will also be doing a selection of novelty races and we would be grateful if the following pupils could bring the items into school in a clearly labelled bag if possible.

P5 –hat, gloves and a scarf

P6 – pyjamas

If your child does not have these items please do not worry – they will still be able to take part in the events.

Parents wishing to spectate should line up at the front gate of the school no earlier than 10 minutes before the event starts. Please see the previous message on the app for times.

We hope this information is helpful.

Permission Form to be completed – URGENT

Permission is required for your child(ren) to be photographed and filmed for the above performance. All children and staff have worked extremely hard producing this performance and the school would like to share this amazing event with our families/friends and the Head of Education in East Ayrshire Council. Please complete as soon as possible. Your continued support is appreciated.


Thank you.


We will be selling raffle tickets at the main entrance on Wednesday 1 June at our “Platinum Jubilee Celebration” costing £1.00 per strip.

Take at look at our prize …………………………..

  • Freshly Prepared Savoury Selection
    Warm Scones With Cream and Preserves
    Variety of Cakes and Sweet Delights
    Your Choice of Tea or Coffee

Robert Burns Academy

Dear parent / carer 

I am pleased to share with you the link to our P7 Information Video. As we are currently unable to welcome large groups of parents to the school for a face-to-face information evening, we decided to record a video that you can view with your child instead. This video should answer many of the questions you may have about the final stages of our transition programme. 

The video can be viewed by clicking the link below: 

Or through our school blog’s P7 Transition section: 


We would also like to invite you to an online drop-in session on Wednesday 25th May from 6.30-7.30pm.  There will be no presentation or content shared during this session, this is an opportunity for parents and carers to ask any questions they may have. I would encourage you to watch the information video and look at the content on the P7 Transition page of our school blog in the first instance.  

You can join us for the online session via the following link: 


Meeting room number: 1413569 

Meeting ID: 104859 


I look forward to seeing you soon! 

P. McGurn 

Depute Head Teacher 

The Robert Burns Academy 



There have been many positive changes in Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) practice in recent years. Evaluations have shown that there is much about RSHP that children and young people like and enjoy in relation to their learning within RSHP at school.

However, learners also identified shortfalls in key areas such as the breadth of topics, relevance to the pressures they face in current-day relationships and a sense that RSHP is often not a ‘real’ subject, that it is occasionally tagged on, or given low priority.

This meant there was a need to reflect on how learners needs are met in an everchanging context, whether this is in terms of concerns we may have for children and young people, negative experiences of social media or partner violence – or positive cultural shifts, including increased awareness of the rights of learners with disabilities or LGBT young people.

Please click on the PDF below to view the information leaflet that your child came home with today.

Second level Parent Leaflet RSHP

If you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Thank you.