All posts by Mrs Caldwell

P1/2 Garden Wind Chimes

Our P1/2 class have been busy helping to make the garden look pretty with lovely new windchimes created using eco friendly and sustainable materials.

Thank you to MaidSafe for helping our pupils create such beautiful decorations for the garden.

Please see the sway to see the pupils’ lovely creations.

Go to this Sway

Vibrant Communities – Sports Survey

Vibrant Communities are carrying out a sport and physical activity consultation across East Ayrshire.

This is a good chance for you and your children say what you already do, what you like to do, and barriers to participating in sport in the area.

If you could please spend 5 minutes with your child to fill in the survey that would be much appreciated!

The survey can be accessed via this link:


Much appreciated!

Barry Holmes

Active Schools Coordinator: Auchinleck Education Group

Tempest Photography

Tempest Photography have been in school today.

Proofs of the individual and family photographs have been sent home in your child’s/children’s school bags this afternoon.

The link to the P1 and P7 class photographs will be sent to the school in the next couple of week and will be issued to parents once received.

If you would like to order the photographs, please go to:

There you will be asked to enter your Reference Number, which can be found below the barcode printed beneath the chosen picture. Enter the necessary details and add to the cart. Repeat this process for all the photos you wish to buy.

Happy Memories!

Archaeological Dig Update

Archaeological Dig Update

P4/5 and P5/6 have had a great time being archaeologists at the Ochiltree Dig today.

Kirsten found a 1917 George V coin.

Archaeology Scotland have been able to arrange an extra dig session for the P7 on Monday. Further information, EV5 consent form and Archaeology Scotland photographic consent forms will be sent home today, please sign and return these to the school on Monday morning.

If you are interested in volunteering yourself this weekend please go along to the Poole Pad at the triangle patch of grass between Stewart Avenue and Broom Crescent. The dig site can be found using what3words woodstove.sectors.cowboys.

Check out the Sway to see some pictures of the dig.

Go to this Sway


Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition Results


Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition – Saturday 2nd March – Results

Congratulations to all Team Ochiltree competitors who took part in Saturday’s competition. The children worked incredibly hard preparing for the event and had great courage to perform on the day in front of a large audience.

All were presented with a certificate for their participation in the Verse Speaking category. We are delighted to announce that Poppy and Lilianna achieved certificates of merit and Poppy was awarded the third place medal.

Many Congratulations!

P4-6 Rugby Training Sessions

Cumnock Rugby Club – P4-6 Sessions in School

Representatives from Cumnock Rugby Club will be in school on Thursday 14th, Thursday 21st and Thursday 28th March to give our pupils rugby taster session.

Primary 4/5 will be training between 9:05am – 9:45am, and

Primary 5/6 will follow at 9:50am – 10:30am.

If pupils don’t normally have PE on Thursdays, a change of kit will be necessary.

Thank you.

P1-3 After-school Sports Club

AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS CLUB P1-3 – Still Spaces Available

Vibrant Communities staff will run a free after-school sports club for pupils in P1-3.

Sessions will be held in the school from 3pm – 4 pm on Thursdays for 3 weeks, starting on Thursday 14th March 2024.

Please contact the school and request a consent form and return this to the school as soon as possible if your child would like to attend.

Big Walk and Wheel

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is taking place 11th – 22nd March 2024

Ochiltree Primary School will be joining in with the 15th year celebration of the UK’s biggest inter-school walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling to school competition.

What is Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel?

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel inspires pupils to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world.

On each day of the challenge, schools compete to see who can get the highest percentage of their pupils walking, using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling to school.

The school’s best five days will determine our final position.

Join us by walking or rolling to school and let’s see how many active journeys our pupils can make?

Ochiltree Primary School Parent Council – Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parent Council is being held on Wednesday 6th March, 7pm, Ochiltree Church Hall.

If you would like to attend, or have any issues you would like discussed, please drop an email to

The parent council meetings are used to discuss general issues, fundraising suggestions and upcoming events. If you can help by volunteering for events that the parent council are hosting, please also let us know by email and we will contact you nearer the time.

Please note: the email address above cannot be used to discuss issues with individual children or teachers.

Hope to see you there.