East Ayrshire Summer Schools – William McIlvanney Campus, Kilmarnock, 22-26 July 2024

Please see the attached information regarding this year’s East Ayrshire Dance Summer School (P4-P7 & S1-S6).

Each day will begin at 10.00 a.m. and finish at 3.00 p.m. On the Friday afternoon there will be a joint performance at 1.30pm in the Assembly Hall to showcase to family and friends what has been achieved during the week.

The course will be based at William McIlvanney Campus and participants should bring a packed lunch each day. No previous experience or specialist clothing is necessary; enthusiasm and comfortable clothing are adequate.

There are limited places available on this course with the participants divided into groups according to age, experience and friendship-groups where possible.

This year’s course is being co-ordinated by Zara Smith, Cultural Co-ordinator, Dance and Movement and all sessions will be taken by highly qualified and experienced artists. To ensure maximum benefit for everyone, it is anticipated that the usual high standards of behaviour expected in our schools will be displayed.

The Summer School is subsidised by East Ayrshire Council, however, there will be a non-refundable administration charge of £30 per child (£25 for siblings) for the entire week. Once we receive your form an invoice will be sent out via Parentpay by the end of June secure your child’s place. Pupil’s entitled to FSM will be free.

Please note, each applicant must be able to make their own transport arrangements. If you would like to apply for a place on this course for your child, please complete the online form:


by Friday 14th June 2024.

Confirmation emails will be sent out the end of June.

Kind Regards,

Zara Smith
Cultural Co-ordinator, Dance & Movement
Creative Minds Team
East Ayrshire Council

Kilmarnock Dance Summer School Forms 2024

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