All posts by Miss Thornton

Week beginning 08.05.23

We have been developing our fine motor skills whilst cutting some vegetables. The children have been learning what the different vegetables were and how they help us stay healthy.

The children have been doing lots of numeracy activities from counting on the promethean board, coping some patterns and copying some numbers using tracing paper.

We have been working on our planning which is to recognise some similarities and differences between each other. The children played a game which required them to roll the ball and say something that was the same/different to one another. This encouraged the children to recognise that we all differ and that is perfectly normal.

Week beginning 20.02.23

Today the children went to the astroturf for a run around before lunch. The children enjoyed playing some movement games and even played some football as well which is great for their physical health and well-being.

The children were learning to thread some cheerios which is great for their fine motor skills. We also played schematically by filling and emptying the pots, bowls and cups.

We have enjoyed playing in the garden this week. We have done lots from climbing to exploring some forces like rolling and sliding. The children have enjoyed using their gross motor skills.

Week beginning 14.11.22


The children have been participating in some activities relating to rhyme of the week. We have bone practicing the song 1,2,3,4,5. The children created their own hand pictures and even had a shot at singing on the microphone.


We also went to the gym hall and got some apparatus out. The children enjoyed climbing, jumping and balancing. This helped the children’s gross motor skills. They all had great physical fun😀


  • We had lots of busy play experiences. We’ve had lots of literacy, numeracy and role playing.  We have been introduced to some mathematical signs,  some name writing and some pretend showering.

We have been working so well in a group this week. The children all worked together to build a big tower. The children were learning to share and communicate with each other.