Week beginning 12th June

This week, we have been enjoying another week of lovely weather and this has presented us with some opportunities for extended outdoor play, whilst discussing how to keep safe in the sun.  We try to include water play and more focused experiences that limit the physical exertion normally used during this time. The children have continued access to water throughout the day, both inside and out and this is encouraged by staff.
We have mainly worked in small groups this week, working together to build creations, explore the water run with pots and pans and participating in some sensory experiences with shaving foam, play dough and paints.


It was really lovely to see so many of our parents/carers joining us for our Summer stay and play. This was a great opportunity for both children and their families to enjoy some time together and from the feedback, we are confident that this was a positive experience for all. Below are just a few of the photographs capturing some lovely interactions.

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