Week Beginning 29th May.

As we have had a shorter week there is less to add to our weekly blog.
The children have been making full use of the weather and utilising our garden for outdoor learning.
Painting with squirty bottles onto the large vertical sheet provided children with an alternative art experience. They had to consider the best way to do this, preventing themselves from getting painted and watching the paint run down the material. We talked about the time it would take to dry in the sunshine. ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž

Together times are important for collaboration and working together and we have been participating in games to develop this. Ring games after lunch are always a positive experience, developing team work, relationships and physical capabilities.

Finally for this week, some of the children have been discussing emotions through the use of our colour monsters and drawing pictures of how they feel. These have been added to our wall above the childrenโ€™s pegs for them to see. The colour monsters are very good. For discussing what makes us feel a certain way and we promote the acceptance of all emotions, supporting the children in understanding these.

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