Week beginning 2nd May, including Coronation celebrations

The children have had a busy week learning all about how we change from being a baby, to how we look just now. Some have brought in their photographs and these have been displayed on our window alongside staff when they were younger. That has elicited a lot of conversation! And guessing games πŸ˜‚


Some of the children have had their second visit to the woods and this has been successful for developing skills in climbing and balancing, risk assessments and developing an understanding of dangers and keeping ourselves safe.

Finally for this week it has been a pleasure to see the children participate in some fun party experiences to honour the coronation of King Charles III. This focus has been tailored to the children’s stage of development and understanding and has involved, discussions about the King being crowned on Saturday, making some special biscuits to have for our party snack and some storytelling and dancing. A few of the children have also decorated some plates and these have been displayed in our playroom. Well done everyone. We hope you all have a lovely long weekend whether celebrating the coronation or simply enjoying an extra day with your family.πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘Β πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§



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