Week ending 31st March

This week has seen the children participate in some Easter experiences, through crafts and songs. Singing develops great communication and language in the children and they respond well to the repetition and consistency of the songs. We had a great response to our Easter bonnets and they were all very creative, well done to all who participated. Your Easter bonnet photograph should now be on your learning journal. Easter creations were made using a variety of collage materials.

The children visited the Residents at Princess Court on Thursday to deliver the cards they had made and a small Easter egg donated by the staff of the ECC. All of the residents enjoy these visits and chatting to the children, it encourages the children to develop an understanding of different generations and shows a caring attitude towards others.

The children have also been experiencing gradients and size with the balls and ramps and pipes, working out which balls will roll or go faster. There have been experiences around size and volume with scoops and materials to estimate how many?


The children have had an extremely busy week. We wish everyone who is off a lovely Easter break, and look forward to spending time with those who will be in over the next 2 weeks. 🐣🐣🐣


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