Parking Protest

P6 were out in force again this week using the placards and slogans they have made to try and discourage people form parking near our school at pick up time and to encourage people to park responsibly.

Be Cool Park Away from our School!

Data Handling

P6 have been learning data handling in numeracy this week.  They used the data we collected from Walk to School week to draw bar graphs of how people in different classes travelled to school.  They also interpreted the data to find out which class had the most  people walking to school during the week.

Dumfries House Visit

The pupils had fun today visiting  Dumfries House as part of the Boswell Book Festival.  We learned about James Boswell and  also had a tour around Dumfries house.  We then had the opportunity to listen to the author David McPhail tell us about his new book and ask him lots of questions.

Problem Parking

As part of the upcoming Walk to School Week and our Columba 1400 leadership project,  P6 have decided to tackle problem parking around the school.

The class worked together to create slogans to encourage parents to park away for the school gates and created posters that will be making an appearance soon…